COVID 19 Update

We are open for both face to face consultations and tele-health video conferencing consultations.

Due to Covid-19 Alert Level 2, to assist in physical distancing between patients
unfortunately no casual walk-in patients can be accepted at this time.

Naturally if you are feeling unwell, have a cough, fever, shortness of breath, sneezing and runny
nose, temporary loss of smell, or have been in recent contact with someone you know who has
these symptoms in the last 14 days, let us know beforehand and for the benefit of others stay at

Upon Arrival
The waiting room will not be utilised until Alert Level 0.
Please knock on the door at your appointment time and wait outside to be let in, or you can wait
in your car and I can call or greet you to come in at your appointment time.

Prior to your treatment
There will be a regular hygiene cleaning procedure between patient treatments so please be
understanding if there is a minor delay – it won’t take long.

We will also have clean linen for each patient treatment but if you feel more comfortable, bring
your own towel to lie on our treatment plinth (and a second towel to lay over you to keep warm,
if you wish).

During your treatment
A Ministry of Health contact tracing form will be required to sign on arrival and departure. Please
bring your own pen to fill in documentation if you feel more comfortable using your own items.

Hand sanitiser is also available before and after treatment for patients.

We have personal protection equipment (PPE) available for you to wear, if necessary, to make you
comfortable should any treatment involve close contact over the upper half of the body. You are
welcome to bring your own PPE if you feel more comfortable.